Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hey guys...

Stop complaining about where/when event college bla bla bla....
If you have any idea,come and see us to share your idea about what to do.
Its not easy to us to make event every month,the procedure to make it up quite strict
We [MPP's] have class to attend,we have assignment need be done
and event to make for all...so,please be patient
We try our best,insyaallah...there will have event soon ^^

p/s: Hey Kembara [Ofhera] Club,good luck with your Gua Batu Maloi program :D

1 comment:

  1. realiti org2 kita mmg cam tu..dorg xnmpk kita wat keje...
    da ni tggjwb kita..
    wat la ape yg tmampu..
    lantk la depa nk kate pe pn..

    all the best utk geng BP!
